Month: July 2017

6 Ways to Prepare to Find Part-Time Work in Retirement

Question: What do Spike Lee, Katie Couric, Vanna White and this Next Avenue work and careers blogger have in common? Answer: All of us will turn 60 this year — along with 4.3 million other Americans born at the peak of the baby boom. Traditionally, turning 60 meant that the end of your working days… … Continue reading 6 Ways to Prepare to Find Part-Time Work in Retirement

Why Baking Is So Relaxing

(Editor’s Note: This article originally appeared in Rewire.)  Baking is, in many ways, a pastime as American as baseball. It has become a quintessential part of celebration, a staple of holidays and get-togethers with friends and family. In recent years, baking has become even more popular thanks to a British reality show on PBS that… … Continue reading Why Baking Is So Relaxing

Telemedicine: A Lifeline for Rural Residents

It looked like a bad case of shingles. At least that’s what the doctor working at a hospital in rural Virginia thought when he examined a patient who had come in. Still, he wanted to be sure. So he arranged to consult with a dermatologist. But the specialist was not just down the hall, or… … Continue reading Telemedicine: A Lifeline for Rural Residents

R.I.P. myRA Retirement Account, Gone Too Soon

A cruel irony: Just as America is (or more accurately isn’t) dealing with a retirement savings crisis, the Trump administration today began shuttering the government’s myRA retirement savings program, a starter account for low- and middle-income people. The Treasury Department’s press release said “a thorough review found it not to be cost effective.” Taxpayers paid… … Continue reading R.I.P. myRA Retirement Account, Gone Too Soon